Performance Levels
There are 5 levels of competition:
Beginners (starting point for all dogs new to CHC)
Veterans: Dogs older than 8 years are eligible to register and enter as Veterans. Handlers can choose to move their dogs into Veterans at any point following their 8th birthday. However CHC advises competitors not to move to Veterans until this change is appropriate for their dog’s physical condition. For example, if a dog is still participating in other more physically demanding sports (e.g. flyball or agility), they are not eligible for Veterans. Courses are adjusted to suit the veteran dog in the higher levels, with a reduced number of obstacles (maximum of 18 obstacles). Once a dog moves into Veterans, they will remain in that category.

Level Progression
To advance to the next level of competition, handlers must gain the required number of points at each level.
Beginners – 100 points in Beginners level in order to earn title and progress to the Novice level.
Novice – 200 points in Novice level in order to earn title and progress to the Intermediate level.
Intermediate – 300 points in Intermediate in order to earn title and progress to the Advanced level.
Advanced – 400 Points in Advanced level in order to earn title and progress to the Proficient level.
Proficient – 500 points in Proficient level in order to earn title.